The Catholic Parish 

of Frenchs Forest.

 to Love and Serve

 If you’re a visitor or new to our parish, we extend a very warm welcome to you. 

If you have any questions, please chat with Fr Biju, Fr Joseph or myself, or browse our website.

We want you to feel at home with us. - Fr Satheesh

go to Parish Giving Page for more details and link,
or Scan QR code Below

Each of us can make a difference. Each of us can help to protect one another. We are called to Step Up and to Speak Out for the protection of all.


Always check the Parish News Blog below for late time changes  to funerals, events and and mass times.

from Fr Satheesh

Dear Parishioners,

This week the Gospel passage from the Transfiguration of Jesus invites us to reflect on the profound mystery of Jesus' divine nature revealed in the midst of prayer. As Jesus prayed, His appearance changed, and His clothing became brilliant, revealing His glory in a way that His disciples had never seen before. The presence of Moses and Elijah—figures representing the Law and the Prophets—underscores the fulfillment of God's promises through Jesus.

This passage invites us to consider the moments in our own lives where we experience a glimpse of the divine, whether in prayer, in community, or in the quiet of our hearts. Like the disciples, we may struggle to fully understand or grasp the significance, but we are called to listen to Jesus and allow His light to guide us.

We are excited to have our annual St. Patrick's Trivia Night in the OLGC Hall this Saturday, March 15th. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who can join us in supporting this event. Special thanks to Aruna Ellis for organizing the delicious Irish food, Michaella Formosa and the youth group for hosting the trivia and keeping the energy high, and the social committee for their help with decorations and providing tea and coffee. Events like these truly bring our community closer together.

As we enter into this season of Lent, a time for prayer and reflection, we look forward to walking this journey together. Please check the bulletin for Mass times and details on our Lenten programs. We're also grateful to those who have joined us for the 12 Hours of Adoration on Friday, March 14th, to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament. My gratitude to Joe Fiore and the Parish team for decorating the Altar for the Adoration.

Fr. Joy Thomas OSH our former Assistant Priest (2014-2019) will be returning to India after completing his 14 years of ministry in Australia on 1 April 2025. So, he celebrates the Mass here at OLGC on Monday 17 March at 9.15 am. You are welcome to join the Mass and say goodbye to him.

Additionally, there are plenty of Project Compassion boxes available at the back of the church. We encourage you to take one home, as even a small sacrifice this Lent can make a big difference for those in need. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Have a lovely week and if you are new or visiting the parish please come up and say hello. 

God Bless you all.
Fr Satheesh Antony OSH, PP.

Parish News Blog

Parish eNews News Blog 

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